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Every tool has its constraints, and bon is not an exception. The limitations described below shouldn't generally occur in your day-to-day code, and if they do, there are ways to work around them. If you feel that some of the limitations are unacceptable, feel free to open an issue to ask for relaxing some of them.

Documentation placed on the original function arguments or struct fields is copied verbatim to the documentation on the generated setter methods of the builder struct. The shortcoming of this approach is that references to Self break when moved into the impl block of the generated builder struct.

bon checks for the presence of [`Self`] and [Self] in the documentation on the function arguments and struct fields. If there are any, then a compile error suggesting to use full type name will be generated.

The following example doesn't compile with the reference to [`Self`]. The fix is to replace that reference with the actual name of the struct [`Foo`].

use bon::bon;

struct Foo;

impl Foo {
    fn promote(
        /// Promotes [`Self`] to the level specified in this argument
        /// Promotes [`Foo`] to the level specified in this argument
        new_level: String
    ) {}

Implicit generic lifetimes

Rust allows omitting generic lifetime parameters of a type in function parameters.


use bon::builder;

struct User<'a> {
    name: &'a str

fn example(value: User) {} 

In this example, the type User is referenced in the function argument without lifetime parameters. This breaks the logic of the #[builder] macro. It must know all the lifetime parameters involved in the function signature to properly generate lifetime parameters for the builder struct.

Unfortunately, macros in Rust don't have access to semantic information. All that macros see is just a sequence of syntax tokens. All that the #[builder] macro sees in the example above is just this:

fn example(value: User) {}

This means #[builder] macro thinks as if there are no lifetime parameters in the User type, and thus it generates the wrong code that doesn't compile.

To fix this, we need to make it clear to the #[builder] macro that User expects some lifetime parameters. This can be done like this:

fn example(value: User) {}     
fn example(value: User<'_>) {} 

If you want to make sure your code doesn't accidentally omit a generic lifetime parameter you may enable the rustc lint called elided_lifetimes_in_paths. This lint is allow by default, you can enable it in your Cargo.toml like this:

elided_lifetimes_in_paths = "warn"

const functions

It's possible to place #[builder] on top of a const fn, but the generated builder methods won't be marked const. Under some conditions, the generated setter methods make use of the Into::into method, which isn't const. Except for that, the generated code should be const-compatible.

If you have a strong use case that requires full support for const, feel free to open an issue. We'll figure something out for sure 🐱.

Conditional compilation

Conditionally-compiled members aren't supported yet. The blocker for this feature is a lack of support for attributes in where bounds in the language. See rust-lang/rust/#115590 for details.