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Optional Members


Setters generated for members of Option<T> type are optional to call. If they aren't invoked, then None will be used as the default.


use bon::builder;

fn example(level: Option<u32>) {}

// We can call it without specifying the `level`

The generated builder has two setters for each optional member. One setter accepts T and the other accepts Option<T>. The following setters will be generated in the example above (simplified):

impl ExampleBuilder {
    // Accepts the underlying value. Wraps it in `Some()` internally
    fn level(value: u32) -> NextBuilderState { /* */ }

    // Accepts the `Option` directly.
    fn maybe_level(value: Option<u32>) -> NextBuilderState { /* */ }


Thanks to this design, changing the member from required to optional preserves compatibility.

If you need to pass a simple literal value, then the syntax is very short


If you already have an Option variable somewhere or you need to dynamically decide if the value should be Some or None, then you can use the maybe_ variant of the setter.

let value = if some_condition {
} else {



To make a member of non-Option type optional you may use the attribute #[builder(default)]. This attribute uses the Default trait or the provided expression to assign the default value for the member.


Switching between #[builder(default)] and Option<T> is compatible.


use bon::builder;

fn example(
    // This uses the `Default` trait
    a: u32,

    // This uses the given custom default value
    #[builder(default = 4)]                     
    b: u32,
) -> u32 {
    a + b

// Here, the default values will be used `a = 0` and `b = 4`
let result = example().call();
assert_eq!(result, 4);

// The same couple of setters `{member}(T)` and `maybe_{member}(Option<T>)`
// are generated just like it works with members of `Option<T>` type
let result = example()
assert_eq!(result, 8);

let result = example()
assert_eq!(result, 8);

Conditional building

Now that you know how optional members work you can check out the "Conditional building" patterns or continue studying other features of bon by following the "Next page" link at the bottom.